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Membership options start at $5.95/month, and you can cancel anytime! Courses also available below for individual purchase.
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Beauty for Ashes
Finding Triumph and Hope Through the Hard Seasons of Life
All of us will experience times of suffering, heartache, and pain. The question is, are we willing to ask for God's grace to trust Him implicitly, even when we cannot see the end of the story? If the answer is yes, we will discover the amazing miracle of watching God create beauty for ashes in our lives; watching Him restore and redeem what was once wounded or destroyed. In this deeply personal and Scripturally-rich four-part course, Leslie walks through the biblical keys to experiencing God's redemption and grace in the hardest seasons of life. This four-part course is for you if you...
– Desire God's redemption for the difficult things you've walked through
– Want biblical answers for confusing circumstances
– Need heavenly perspective on grief, suffering, and disappointment
– Are ready to see God redeem and restore the broken places in your life
Purchase an individual license $57
Purchase for groups of 4+ people $67

Set Apart: A Passionate Devotion to Jesus Christ
A 12-Week Foundational Bible Study
Do you desire to know Jesus Christ deeply and intimately, as your dearest, closest, most trusted friend? do you long to not just talk about Him, sing about Him, and learn about Him, but to truly walk in daily, passionate relationship with Him? Are you tired of just reading about God's promises in the Bible and ready to actually experience the unmatched joy, peace that passes understanding, and soul-level satisfaction that is promised to those who follow Him? If that describes you, this set apart study is for you. These messages won't tickle your ears, but it will stir and awaken your soul!
This Bible study is for you if you are...
– A woman of any age who desires deeper intimacy with Christ
– A mom who wants to pass along a vision for Christ-centered femininity to your daughters
– A small group leader who is looking for a biblically-rich resource on godly womanhood
– A woman looking for a foundational scriptural study on Christ-centered femininity for every season of life
Purchase an individual license $77
Purchase for groups of 4+ $87
Printed Study Guides can be purchased separately here.

Mentoring Young Women
A Special Online Summit with Leslie Ludy
Do you have a burden to reach the hearts of today's young women? That burden is not there by accident! Today's young women are in the midst of a battle, and God desires to work through you to reach them with His message of hope and truth.
In this course, Leslie shares the biblical and practical tools you need to effectively disciple the younger women in your life. Whether you are a mom discipling daughters, a young woman desiring to mentor younger girls, or you already have a ministry to girls or teens, this course will equip you to make an eternal impact in their lives. Drawing from her 20+ years of experience working with women of all ages, Leslie will give you a clear vision for becoming a godly mentor, covering topics such as:
– Understanding and engaging in the battle women face today
– Gaining God's heart for those you are ministering to
– Providing biblical answers rather than human wisdom
– Cultivating healthy mentoring relationships
– Building an effective small group
– Preparing your heart for ministry
With over five hours of in-depth and practical training, this course will give you the confidence and vision you need to build healthy, Christ-centered mentoring relationships with the young women in your life!
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Becoming Marriage-Ready
The 10 Most Important Things to Do Now to Be Successful in Marriage
If you knew an amazing marriage was possible, what would you be willing to do to start preparing for it now? In this course, Eric and Leslie Ludy hand out the relationship tools that you need to build a lifelong love story that can stand the test of time and thrive during the trials of life.
Becoming Marriage-Ready is for:
– Singles who want to gain a vision for an incredible marriage
– Dating couples who desire to gain a vision for a godly love story and build their relationship to that end
– Married couples who need a fresh vision and practical ideas to make their marriage great
– Anyone who longs for practical ideas on what you can do now to sow the seeds for a breathtaking and God-honoring romance
In this online course, the Ludys lay out the map for reaching marriage success and point to the key relationship tools required to find wedded bliss. With three hours of in-depth and practical training, this course is full of both humor and wisdom, delivering a Christ-centered approach to a topic that will warm your heart and inspire you to rise up and go after an amazing marriage.
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Secrets to an Amazing Love Story
Set the Stage for Happily Ever After Starting Right Now
Every person longs to have a fairytale love story ... In today's culture, is a fairtale love story even possible? Yes! Anyone can have the greatest romance of all time, when you discover the secrets to an amazing love story. Whether you are single or married, the Secrets to an Amazing Love Story online course will give you the framework for an incredible God-written love story and how you can prepare even now for one of the greatest romances of all time.
From this moment forward, it is possible to do it right. Your future does not need to be defined by your past. That is the beauty of God's ways. In this course you'll gain key biblical truths for relational success, including:
– How to keep Jesus at the center of a relationship
– How to live in true purity before and during a relationship
– How to decide who to marry
– How to gain freedom from past mistakes
– How to build a marriage that grows more beautifully with time
With over 10 hours of fun and engaging video sessions with Eric and Leslie, this course is a great tool for both groups and individuals and is appropriate for any age.
Purchase as an individual $197
Purchase for a group $247 (4+ people)

Sarah Marie C. | Billings, MT
This course has not only blessed me, but it has prepared me to set the stage for my happily ever after. It has also taught me to completely hand over the pen if my love story to God. One of the takeaways that I will always remember is, living as though your future spouse is watching you. This has made me want to live for Christ more and to live a set apart life.

Fearless Living
How to Adopt a Battle Plan Against Anxiety
All too many of us have come to accept fear as a normal part of our lives. But God doesn't just suggest that we "fear not" — instead, He commands us not to fear. In this life-changing course, Leslie will equip you with the spiritual tools you need to be set free from the bondage of fear, resist the attacks of the enemy upon your life, and gain the bold, unshakeable courage God desires you to have in Jesus Christ!
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

True Identity
How to Discover and Embrace God's Purpose for Your Life
In a world obsessed with self-fulfillment, self-expression, and self-identity, Leslie shares a refreshingly different message that will give you a whole new perspective on what it means to find your destiny and discover God's purpose for your life.
– Catch a God-sized vision for your future
– Learn how to approach decision-making and life-direction from a biblical perspective
– Experience the amazing joy of becoming a surrendered vessel in the Master Potter's hands
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

True Beauty
How to Glow with Heavenly Radiance
Proverbs 31:25 says that a virtuous woman is "clothed with strength and dignity." The word strength in this verse means supernatural valor and the word dignity means glory, beauty, and splendor. These qualities cannot be obtained from any fitness routine, diet strategy, makeup technique, or clothing trend. They can come from no other source but Christ. When a woman finds her satisfaction and joy in Jesus Christ, she reflects His breathtaking valor, glory, beauty, and splendor. Others notice Him shining through her eyes, reflected in her smile, and radiating from her demeanor — no matter what may happen to her physical body. Join Leslie for this powerful course on what it means to reflect heavenly radiance, no matter what age or season of life you are in!
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

True Happiness
How to Exchange Temporal Distractions for Lasting Contentment
What is the secret to lasting happiness? Finding the perfect relationship? Gaining applause and popularity? Having material possessions? Achieving a lifelong dream? Despite what we often believe, enduring happiness can't be in fulfilling our earthly desires. True happiness can only be found when Jesus Christ becomes our chief desire. In this inspiring and uplifting course, Leslie shares biblical keys to finding true contentment in Christ and gaining a soul-level happiness that can never be taken away!
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Sarah Marie C. | Billings, MT
The Set Apart Girl Online Courses have been a huge blessing to me! They have made me draw closer to Christ and desire to live a set apart life for Him. I will always look back at the courses and remember what I learned.

Unshakable Faith
How to Live Set Apart When Others Don't Support You
Standing for truth comes at a high price. Though men and women who stand bodly for their faith sometimes go down in history as heroes, their moment-by-moment circumstances are usually anything but glamorous. Maybe you can relate. How should we respond when others mock, ridicule, or exclude us because of our stand for Truth? In this powerful course, Leslie shares biblical encouragement to help you become unshakable in your faith even when others ridicule you, how to act around friends and family who don't support your set-apart lifestyle, and how to tap into the many spiritual blessings that are available to us when we are willing to endure persecution, misunderstanding, and shame for the sake of Jesus Christ.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Overcoming Insecurity
How to Exchange Self-Doubt for Christ-Confidence
Insecurity is a struggle that countless women today can relate to. But contrary to what we are often told, building up our own self-esteem is not the solution to escaping the trap of comparison and self-doubt. True confidence doesn't come through self-focus, but through self-denial. Only when we encounter the Cross of Jesus Christ and let it transform every part of our existence can we truly discover the joy, peace, and courage that we long for. In this candid and practical course, Leslie offers biblical solutions to overcoming insecurity and teaches us how to go to the right Source for lasting confidence.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Godly Discernment
How to Become a Woman of Wisdom
We live in a day and age where "righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, [and] honesty cannot enter" (Is. 59:14 NIV). Truth-centered, Christ-focused, biblically-sound believers are no longer commonplace; they have become the exception. As set apart women living in such an era, we do not have the option of passively accepting anything and everything that is being dished out to us in the name of Christianity. Instead, God desires to equip us with the lost art of godly discernment. In this eye-opening course, Leslie discusses:
– The biblical pattern for true, godly discernment
– How to recognize commonplace perversions of truth in Christianity
– How to protect your soul against being deceived
– How to handle concerns within the body of Christ in a Christ-honoring way
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Honorable Speech
How to Honor God and Others with Every Word You Speak
As women, we are constantly presented with opportunities to use our words for good or for harm. How we speak about others, what we post online, and even thoughtless statements we make in the privacy of our homes can all have a profound impact upon her own life and the lives of those around us. When our words serve an eternal purpose they can be amazing tools to build the Kingdom of God. When they serve a destructive purpose they can be dangerous tools in the hands of the enemy to wreak havoc on relationships. In this practical course, Leslie shares principles for truly honoring Christ with every word that we speak, post, and write. Learn how to avoid dangerous pitfalls like gossip, criticism, negativity, and foreboding, and choose life-giving, God-glorifying speech in every area of your life.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Social Media
How to Glorify God in Your Digital Conduct
In today's digitally-driven world, it's all too easy to get swept away by social media trends without realizing how our online conduct affects our spiritual life. Join Leslie for this powerful and practical course on what it means to honor Christ in all our social media decisions. In this course, Leslie shares biblical principles for adopting a "digital code of conduct" that will give you a fresh new perspective on using smartphones, texting, Facebook, and Instagram for the glory of God instead of the shallow trends of the culture.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Christ-Centered Mentoring
How to Eternally Impact Today's Young Woman
Young women today have a huge need for godly mentors who will disciple them in biblical truth. Many Christian woman have a burden to meet this need, but they don't know where to begin. In this powerful and biblically rich course, Leslie draws from her 20+ years of ministry experience to equip you to mentor, counsel, and disciple other women in a truly Christ-honoring way. Whether you are a younger woman wanting to set a godly example for the girls in your life, or an older women in any kind of mentoring position, this course will give you the tools to make an eternal impact in the lives of those you are ministering to.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Purity that Lasts
How to Be Holy in Body and Spirit
Countless Christians who were raised to value purity are carelessly tossing their standards out the window the moment cultural influences become strong enough to sway them. Consequently, many modern believers have become cynical toward the whole idea of purity commitments. However, the real problem is not with the commitments being made, but the motive behind the commitments. It's all too easy to make a commitment to a concept, rather than to a Person. When a purity commitment is merely a creed or concept, we can easily be talked or tempted out of it.
If you have ever wondered what makes purity actually work in a Christian's life, this powerful and refreshing course will dive into key principles from God's Word. These powerful truths on lasting purity will impact young people, parents, and mentors alike!
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Inspiring Today's Men
Helping Guys Rise Above Cultural Mediocrity
If you have ever been frustrated, hurt, or discouraged by the state of modern masculinity, this course will equip you to motivate today's men toward something better. Leslie shares refreshing, biblical truths about the powerful influence women can have on husbands, dads, brothers, and male friends. Learn how to properly respond to a man's ungodly behavior, how to set an inspiring example, and how to have an eternal impact upon the men that God has placed in your life.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

A Vibrant Marriage
Keys to Becoming a Christ-Centered Wife
Whether you are single and want to gain God's vision for your future, or are already married and want to grow in becoming a Christ-centered wife, this powerful and practical course offers biblical keys to building a vibrant marriage. In this course, Leslie offers key insights that will help you prepare for a successful marriage, cultivate spiritual unity with your spouse, keep romance thriving even after kids come along, and how to handle challenging marriage situations.
This course includes:
Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
Downloadable study guide
Bonus Q&A video
Purchase as an individual $57
Purchase for a group $67 (4+ people)

Marriage & Motherhood
Gaining God's Vision
For wives, mothers, and singles who want to lay a strong foundation for the future! This refreshing and powerful 8-week course will equip you with the biblical and practical tools you need to bring Christ into the center of your marriage and family life. Works well for individual and group study!
*This course is not included in Leslie's Mentoring Membership and can only be purchased individually.
This course includes:
8 weekly video sessions with Leslie (approx. 30 min. each)
Comprehensive downloadable study guide
40% off coupon for Leslie's book Set Apart Motherhood