Marriage & Motherhood:
Gaining God's Vision

with Leslie Ludy

For wives, mothers, and singles who want to lay a strong foundation for the future!  This refreshing and powerful 8-week course will equip you with the biblical and practical tools you need to bring Christ into the center of your marriage and family life.

About Leslie Ludy

Leslie is a wife, mother of six, and bestselling author who has been speaking truth into women's lives for the past twenty-five years.  To learn more about Leslie's ministry, please visit our about page here!

The Marriage & Motherhood Course Includes:

+  8 weekly video sessions with Leslie (approximately 30 min. each)
+  A downloadable study guide including weekly lessons, Scriptures, life-changing insights into marriage & motherhood, and bonus resources
+  A 40% off coupon for Leslie's book Set Apart Motherhood in our shop
+  Lifetime, unlimited access to all sessions & course materials

Sample the Course:

Valerie B. | Mother of 3

"This message has given me such a refreshing, new perspective of my life and calling as a mom! I have definitely fallen into the lies and traps that this culture so often portrays as truth. It’s been amazing to learn that there is something more, a better way that truly honors God and fulfills my life more than I could have hoped or imagined."

Lilya T. | Lakewood, CO

"There is something different about Leslie's messages.  While many others are uplifting on an emotional level and bless the soul or offer encouragement, Leslie's messages touch the heart and the spirit on a deeper level.  Leslie spoke to many of the things I was dealing with, and the Lord touched my heart, restored me, blessed me beyond measure."

Alena K. | Colorado

"My mindset shifted from trying to learn and figure out and do on my own, to learning to trust more in God and His wisdom and grace. It was just such an amazing, uplifting, encouraging, and refreshing time where I could really learn and take in what God was teaching me."

Purchase This Course and Get Started Today


$97Ā Individual License

$107Ā Group License

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Lesson One:
Gaining God's Vision for Marriage & Motherhood

In this lesson, Leslie shares her own journey into marriage and motherhood as well as the three most important biblical keys to finding joy and true purpose as a wife and mother. In this session you will gain tools for:

  • Embracing a beautiful, Christ-honoring vision for marriage and family
  • Exchanging fairy-tale ideals for a Christ-centered pattern
  • Applying God's amazing promises to marriage and motherhood challenges

Lesson Two:
Inspiring Your Husband Toward Greatness

In this lesson, Leslie casts a vision for God’s design for masculinity and for the powerful influence that we as women can have in pointing men toward His pattern — without nagging and complaining! In this session, you will gain the tools to:

  • Become spiritually like-minded with your spouse
  • Grow closer to your spouse through challenges
  • Overcome a critical spirit and learn the power of encouragement
  • Motivate your husband to become a spiritual leader

Lesson Three:
Building a Powerful Prayer Life with Your Husband

In this lesson, Leslie shares her own story to discover the power of prayer in her marriage and unpacks the biblical keys to building an effective and unified prayer life with your spouse. In this session, you will gain the tools to:

  • Develop strategies for praying consistently as a couple
  • Guard against distractions and spiritual attacks
  • Help your husband gain a vision for prayer
  • Seek breakthroughs in your marriage and family through prayer

Lesson Four:
How Trials Can Strengthen Your Marriage

In this lesson, Leslie shares a little-known secret for marriages that go the distance — responding well to challenges and trials. In an honest and candid way, Leslie shares about the challenges that she and Eric have experienced in their twenty-five years together and the spiritual principles that have caused their marriage to thrive even in difficult times. In this session you will gain the tools to:

  • Guard your marriage intimacy during difficult seasons
  • Learn the art of growing together in tensile strength
  • Allow trials to deepen your love for each other

Lesson Five:
Becoming a Faith-Filled Mother

In this lesson, Leslie casts a powerful vision for how a praying, faith-filled mother can not only be an instrument of change in her home, but also in the world. Leslie shares the biblical principles that helped her personally exchange fear for faith. In this session, you will gain the tools to:

  • Overcome fear and walk in true confidence
  • Find joy and peace in the midst of trials
  • Let truth lead you rather than emotions

Lesson Six:
Secrets to Motherhood Joy

In this lesson, Leslie shares life-changing biblical insights for finding joy and true purpose in your motherhood journey. Drawing from key life lessons Leslie learned during the season when she had four children ages four and younger (and present day life lessons too), Leslie shares the secrets to exchanging defeat for triumph in motherhood. In this session, you will gain the tools to:

  • Delight in your kids
  • Keeping an eternal focus in motherhood
  • Refuel the right way

Lesson Seven:
Building Your Home into a Sanctuary

In this lesson, Leslie shares three foundational principles for a Christ-centered home: truth, order, and watchfulness. The purpose of sanctuary is not to have a home that reflects the perfection of Magnolia Journal or Martha Stewart, but one that reflects the beauty and glory of Christ. In this session, you will gain the tools to:

  • Establish an atmosphere of peace in your family
  • Build a well-ordered home instead of an unrealistic ideal
  • Keep Christ as the Guest of Honor in your home

Lesson Eight:
Practical Ways to Grow Spiritually with Your Spouse + Q&A

In this lesson, Leslie shares simple, practical ways to begin to develop spiritual unity with your spouse, and outlines many Christian biographies and other resources that have greatly impacted her own marriage. There is also a bonus Q&A in which Leslie answers some common questions about marriage and family from a biblical perspective! In this session you will gain:

  • A list of powerful books and resources to begin reading with your spouse
  • Suggestions for simple habits that can reap large spiritual dividends in your home
  • Biblical answers for common struggles in marriage

How One Mom Was Impacted

I was expecting to learn more about being a godly mom. Instead, I feel as though I’ve been saturated in life-changing and soul-healing truths. This material has not only inspired me to allow Jesus to love and transform my children through me, but to keep my eyes on the one true reason for living. Thank you for allowing God to bless my aching heart.

Alli D., Mother of two

Purchase This Course and Get Started Today


$97Ā Individual License

$107Ā Group License


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